The YBMRS Awards for the best oral communication and the best poster presentation were introduced at the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the YBMRS.
The Scientific Committee has agreed to make the YBMRS awards a recurring aspect of the meeting series. As a result, all oral communications and poster presentations that will be submitted by young scientists for the 2024 event are automatically considered for the competition. All senior scientists are excluded from these prizes.
The Awards presentation will take place during the closing ceremony.
The awardees for the 20th edition of the symposium:
Best Poster Awards
- Vittorio Marsala (UNamur) - Award sponsored by Chemistry Europe
- Jill Meynen (UHasselt), Lore Van den Bergh (UAntwerpen), Pasquinel Weckx (KU Leuven)
Best Oral Presentations
- Barbara Mathieu (UCLouvain) - Award sponsored by Chemistry Europe
- Anthony Morena (UNamur), Jennifer Theissen (UHasselt/KU Leuven) (ex aequo)